The Progressive Hall, in Woodmarsh was built in 1911/12 and paid for by public subscription and is a lovely example of early 20th century architecture. It is run by a group of Trustees and by volunteers and is not run for profit. The Friends of The Progressive Hall is a Registered Charity and has benefitted from The Lottery through “Awards For All” funding, but the day to day expenses are funded through nominal hire charges.

In the last five years the hall has been considerably updated with a new heating system, a new floor in the kitchen and a new solid oak floor in the main hall. Volunteers have painted and cleaned the inside, and most of the outside. A disabled ramp has been added to the side entrance. This Winter the electrics are to be replaced and updated. The next project is an extension to update and improve the toilet facilities, which are in serious need of attention. Planning permission has been agreed, and funding is now being sought. If you would like to help with the running of this worthwhile village amenity, you will be made very welcome.

The hall is currently used by young and old alike for activities varying from Bonsai to Band Practice, Drama to Dancing as well as for “Parties” as private hire. Families have found it ideal for toddlers’ daytime birthday parties and adult birthday parties. If you would like to enquire about hiring the hall. To book contact Tony Frost 01225 766108, Helen Brooks 01225 755214, John Matthews 01225 764830